Beauty and Fashion
Why Zendaya’s Refusal to Be Diminished is Important For Us Black Girls
In order to understand why Zendaya’s appearance at the Oscars is important we have to understand the daily slights Black women have to contend with about their hair. My best friend’s mother had a live-in boyfriend who would frequently refer to me as a “wild child” because of my hair. Boys would constantly make fun […]
The Five Tips You Need for Healthy Black Hair
There are so many different regimes for people to follow to maintain healthy black hair. I find these five things that I DO consistently have helped me maintain my hair and its health. TRIMMING: SO ESSENTIAL, yet, often neglected. People sometimes go months, even years before they give their hair a good trim. Why […]
Mens Style I: The Navy Suit and Blazer
We see them. We notice them in the streets, on the subways, in coffee shops. There’s something about them. George C. Wolfe said, “God created black people and black people created style.” These men have over time built a wardrobe that many of us envy. But you don’t have to any more. In this series […]