20 Apr, 2024

Hands down, Shut up: White America’s Message to the Rams

We’ve seemed to reach a familiar, awkward juncture in America: the intersection of race and sports. Several St. Louis Rams players decided to take a stand on Sunday by walking onto their home field in a “hands up, don’t shoot” gesture of solidarity with protesters of police brutality. On November 24th, a Ferguson, Missouri grand […]

5 mins read

Unarmed black man killed by white Phoenix officer

The facts surrounding Rumain Brisbon’s death — the ones that could be agreed upon as of Wednesday evening — follow a narrative familiar to a nation still reeling from the racially charged police incidents in Ferguson, Mo., New York City and elsewhere. In Phoenix on Tuesday evening, a white police officer who was feeling threatened […]

1 min read

The Montgomery Boycott and the Erasure and White Wash of Black Women

On this day in 1955, Rosa Parks helped spark a movement that would change this country forever. Yet, 59 years later Blacks continue to fight, bleed and sweat for their civil rights and humanity in this country. 59 years later, the same white supremacy that violated the rights and bodies of Black folk, is responsible […]

7 mins read

Please Don’t Show me the Picture of the Boy Hugging the Police Officer

There’s a photo that’s gone viral of a young boy hugging a police offer at a Ferguson protest in Portland. The Oregonian dubbed it “The Hug Heard Round the World”. Others, including myself, are not so impressed. Exploring the context behind the picture, its not as sweet as some would like to believe. The 11 […]

4 mins read

Marissa Alexander Pleads Guilty to Lesser Charges

By Jackie Smith The Jacksonville mother who fired a gun toward her husband is back in jail.  Marissa Alexander pleaded guilty Monday to three felony counts of assault. Bruce Zimet, her attorney, said, “Ultimately, that was her choice.  Choose between 65 days in the county jail or 60 years mandatory minimum in a Florida state […]

1 min read

11 Empowering & Inspiring Black Women to Follow on Twitter

  Black Twitter, a word started as an inside  joke by the black community to describe Black twitter users, has become a buzzword in the past few years. Black twitter has shown its power over social media by starting many trending hashtags. Many of those very hashtags have dealt with race, sex, gender and sexuality. […]

2 mins read

NAACP call for federal investigation of Darrien Hunt shooting death

The Salt Lake branch of the NAACP is calling for the U.S. Department of Justice to conduct an independent investigation into the shooting death of Darrien Hunt by two Saratoga Springs police officers. The announcement comes one week after Utah County Attorney Jeffrey Buhman ruled that Saratoga Springs Police Cpl. Matt Schauerhamer and officer Nicholas Judson […]

1 min read

Soft Serve Racism & The Cowardice of the Hood Prank

Twitter leads you to terrible things. Some of the most racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and homophobic thoughts find themselves in its ethereal pool of consciousness. Still, I found myself taken aback by one in particular. This video known as Nerd Raps In The Hood. The reason why it even caught my eye is due to the […]

3 mins read